
Saturday, 22 October 2011


Registration begins at 11am. Trainees sign up at Medan Ilmu and given a room to stay during intensive training. A total of 24 trainees who come to register.
At 3 pm, trainees gathered for a meeting with the commander Brass Band at Parking Block A. After selection of the chief and assistant chief held, trainees separated by section and tools.
Trainees are introduced to musical instruments that they will learn during the next 10 days. Commander shows how to play musical instruments and held the casting sessions.
At 6 pm, trainees dispersed and returned to their rooms. At 9pm, all trainees gathered for a training briefing from Mr. Muhammad Syafiq B. Mohd Nor. Briefing ended about 11 p.m.

After the physical training sessions with trainees and commanders of LIBK, brass band trainees was taken over by their commanders for the music theory session. They began to learn the basics of instruments such as how to take care of, how to play an instrument and so on. For woodwind and brass sections, their learning was held at room AVB and for Percussion section, their learning was held at Medan Ilmu. This music theory sessions starting at 9 am and ended at 11.30 pm.

Class of practical and skill was held. The songs to accompany the LIBK parade began taught. For Percussion section, the song Paddy 6, Army Beat, and Keretapi was taught in the morning. While the song Hormat and Negaraku was taught in the evening and night. For brass and woodwind section, only Hormat and Negaraku that  are taught today.
At 3 pm, all LIBB trainees gathered in the Medan Ilmu and taught how to marching. For the first day of marching, trainees was taught to modern marching without playing music. Activities taught marching until 6.30 pm before the trainee is released for dinner at Café Z & Z.
At 8.45 pm, class of practical and skill as this morning was continued and ended at 11.30 pm.

Teaching the songs are continued again. After the physical training and breakfast, trainees move to the AVB room and continue their training. Song titled When The Saint and Hamidah is taught today.
Like yesterday, the marching activity held in the evening. Today's trainees are instructed to marching while playing the songs that have been taught. Activities taught marching until 6.30 pm before the trainees is released for dinner.
After the 'Isha prayer at the Pusat Islam, the trainees move to AVA room for a talk session 'Pengurusan Organisasi dan Teknik Asas Fasilitator'. Talks ended at 11.30 pm. Done the talk and supper, trainees are instructed to disperse.

  After the physical training and breakfast, trainees move to the AVB room and continued their training. The song titled UiTM Di Hatiku was taught.
Marching activity was held in the evening. Today's trainees are instructed to marching while playing the songs that have been taught. Activities taught marching until 6.30 pm before the trainees are released for dinner.
After 'Isha prayer at PI, the trainees move to AVA room for a talk of Innovation. Talks ended at 11.30 pm. Done talk and supper, trainees are instructed to disperse.

Teaching the song is continued again. After the physical training and breakfast, trainees move to the AVB room and continued their training. Song's called Perajurit was taught.
Like yesterday, marching activities were held in the evening and were taught until 6.30 pm before the trainees are released for dinner. After 'Isha prayer at PI, the trainees move to AVA room for a talk of Teknik Asas Pengucapan Awam. Talks ended at 11.30 pm. Done talk and supper, trainees are instructed to disperse.

Sunday, 9 October 2011

and today will be start our LATIHAN INTENSIF BRASS BAND program..
today at 11 a.m. will be the registration session at medan ilmu...
a very good luck to all pelatih that join this program..
INSYAALLAH will be fun ~ enjoy it k...=)