
Tuesday, 9 August 2011

kebab roti pita

yeap ! now we are on our beloved month, bulan usual,, there must be a bazaar that called 'bazar ramadhan' at every place that have a lot of people...therefore, our uitm also have it- starting this semester...this bazar are placed at medan ilmu and about 25 gerai are opened to business..

ya ya ya,, not to forget,,there is brassband's gerai there...hehhe...meh,,lai lai....we are selling 
KEBAB AYAM/ LEMBU/ KAMBING ROTI PITA at RM2.50 per pieces and air CENDOL !!!

memang happening guys...jom2 beli kebb kami!!

..1st day punye gerai..

..cincang2,,jangan x cincang~!..
cik puan rabit,,knape muke mcm tu???

..daging kambing bersama campuran bawang, timun dan tomato..

look! there was our gerai...nmpaknye kami dapat sambutan yang menggalakkan... especially time2 kemuncak- like 6.30 p.m and above...mmg terkejar-kejar...whatever it is,,thanks to all yang support u all la~! 

give me the beat,, kembow!!!

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